Financial Plan - Assumptions - 2
There is a slight change since yesterday. I will not fill the Assumption table in yesterday's post. Instead, I will discuss what each variable means. This way table is more meaningful, rather than mere numbers. Variables_Used_for_Assumption Units_Used Explanation_of_Variables Average Monthly Sales US $000s Here you can enter net sales value. Desired average finished inventory % of Sales Does not apply to Service / Distribution business. For Manufacturing business, this variable is % of sales. Cost of materials/goods As % Sales This value is set to zero for Service business and for Distribution it refers to the purchases/inventory for resale. Target materials/goods inventory US $000s This value is set to zero for Service business and for Distribution it refers to the purchases/inventory for resale. Average monthly direct costs US $000s It is set to zero for for Distribution business Average monthly overhead expenses US $000s Interest and Depreciation is not included Opening total co...