Vendor Number 2 profile
Profile: RFID VendorTwo Inc. is relatively new market but are soon establishing themselves as leaders with excellent products and service. They too have a huge production facility to cater large amount of Tags and Readers. However they are willing to work with RFID solution providers on case to case basis only. Terms are flexible with credit facilities ranging from 120 days to project completion . Other features of interest are:
** Thanks to my reader Bartek, for pointing out the error
RFID Sales (Annual).............. : $1500 Millions
Tag Volume (Annual)..............: 150 million tags
Adopted Standards.................: ePC Gen 2 Class 2
Transponder Product Portfolio:UHF (ultra high frequency) RFID tags only433.92 MHz frequency, Output power of 300 microwatts and range upto 250 feet **
Reader Product Portfolio..........: Readers with serial RS-232 or RS-485 protocol. Concealable Range adjustable antennas.Readers can simultaneously read multiple RFID Asset Tags at ranges up to300250 feet. **
Applications............................:Asset Tracking, ID systems
** Thanks to my reader Bartek, for pointing out the error