Investing in RFID sector

After writing about the business plan for so many days, I decided to take a break and research stocks of the companies, which are involved in the business of RFID. I started off with a search in Google, and first result itself uncovered a gem. The website is RFID Investing. Website has a convenient RFID stocks portfolio, that one can track and research. Site also has RFID related new items, Trade shows & conferences. RFIDInvesting site is a part of InvestorIdeas website, which deals with other sectors like Nanotechnology, Wireless, Homeland Security and many others.

Research of 44 RFID related stocks kept me preoccupied most of the time. I plan to select 10 most promising stocks and list my portfolio on the website. RFIDInvesting is one site, that is a "must include" on my Favorites list.


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