Brainstorming...Part - I

Brainstorming is always happening! While driving, at work, in conversations. However, if resulting ideas are not stored in a organized fashion, they are easily forgotten. I have been using a trial version of Personal Brain for organizing and storing my thoughts. So far it has helped me keep all my ideas secure on my laptop instead of my volatile memory. It not only stores the ideas but links them in a way that is unique.

Back to our brainstorming about the business, company will conduct. As we have decided, Businessworks Inc. will be a dotcom company, business will be conducted online, probably selling services or products or both. Since many companies do similar business, Businessworks Inc has to do something unique, which sets them apart from other companies.

So what are the ingredients of a Dotcom company? Let me list a few and invite you to add few others.
  • A unique technology or a solution designed around that technology
  • people, committed to make company a success.
  • venture capital


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